Today Show Awareness Campaign

Friday, June 28, 2013

Walking the Walk - Again!

We are starting our journey of visiting doctors once again, walking the walk.  When every we take this path along our journey, it feels like we are walking on a tight rope over a raging gorge.

TLC is now able to visit a clinic just over a hundred miles away that is specific to Dysautonomia.  As we do this, we are cutting ties with the neurologist at Children's.  We hope that there are not any changes to her existing meds as they are all working just fine.  However, we do want to have a doctor to consult with locally that knows and understands what is going on with her nervous system issues.  We have heard from some that they will only be able to work with the Dysautonomia and will not be able to help with the Cold / Heat Urticaria and the Ehlers Danlos.  However, this will be a big improvement over a doctor that does not know anything about any of them and can only try to treat the symptoms.

We have also made an appointment with the Geneticist to get more help with the Ehlers Danlos.  TLC is now having problems with nearly every joint subluxating with every movement.  Currently her neck, shoulders, wrists, fingers, vertebrae, hips, knees and ankles are all affected.  She is still finding new tricks that she can do.  She needs braces that will help prevent the movement of her joints from sliding around.

TLC now has a new symptom and we will be going to see an eye specialist today to rule out all the "bad" causes.  It appears to be Retinal Migraines.  A lot of people I have talked to have had trouble with them in both their eyes.  TLC only has them in one eye right now.  Because it is in only one eye, it is commonly triggered by some bad sources.  We are praying that it is not and like so many others will eventually improve and go away.

Doctors are almost always difficult to work with; some get it, but most don't.  Some already have the answers with total disregard for what is actually going on.  Some are just plain crazy.  Rare is the doctor that listens, that researches, that truly wants to research and make things better, even when the answers in their books don't work.

This is our journey and we are walking the walk, once again!

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