Today Show Awareness Campaign

Sunday, April 28, 2013

The Daunting Notion of Homeschooling

With homeschooling, the benefits are wonderful. Benefits start with the health issues of course. Since we started, TLC has had very few breakouts to deal with, fewer sprains and less stress.

Your child is able to take learning at their own pace. They can be quick at learning or can slow it down. In our state the only two requirements state that we must be in a homeschool cover and that the children must attend school 170 days a year. A day is defined as four hours. Most often times the work is done in two hours or less and the rest of the time can be spent on practice problems, "homework," or field trips. A school year is defined as August to July.

You can easily take days off when the kids are sick and start right back a day, two days or a week later.

You can go on vacation whenever you like.

As long as you include the basics, English, Math, Science and History, you can teach anything you want and how you want. Public Schools teach for the SAT/ACT tests. The teaching is usually rushed and is usually geared regardless of the slowest child in the class. With homeschooling, you can teach them the way we grew up learning, breaking it down and knowing the details.

If your child does not understand a topic and does not do well on a test, you can do the topic over again or do the test over again once the problem areas are worked out.

The cost does not have to be very high. You do not have to teach. As a matter of fact, with the exception of Algebra, I do not teach, the software does. Also, I do not have to be present, I work 8 hours a day. Mind you, my daughter is much older and loves to learn so I know she doesn't get distracted doing other things. The software also helps just in case I am not sure. I also break her four day down into two segments. She works two hours by herself in the morning and I work with her for two hours in the evening.

Lack of socialization is not a problem either. With the right homeschool cover, church activities or other activities that you participate in, kids are well socialized. You could arrange for kids to come to the house to play.

Homeschooling is no where near as scary as it seems. You and the child will need dedication and commitment to set apart time during the day and stick with it everyday possible. If you get backed up, be committed to get caught up during the summer or when time is available during the regular school year.

You can do it, it can be done in an affordable way and the kids will love it!!!

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